Monday, March 31, 2008

I posted this post on my moms blog and didn't want to tell the story twice so.....

Mom had her 62nd yesterday! YAHOO!!!!! Happy Birthday Mom. After many lies and hours, we were able to pull a surprise on my mom. For her Birthday, the girls and I organized a surprise Birthday Bash at the church for her on Saturday. We decided to do it a couple weeks ago and didn't have much time to work with. The picture I used for the invitation wasn't a great one but she doesn't have that many pictures and its pretty hard to steal stuff from a woman that is on top of things like my mom. She had no clue, not even an incline that we were having a party and definitely not one as big as we did. Prior to the party, I made up a big fat lie that I needed to use some of moms quilts for a church quilting party we were having and she happily gave me all her quilts to use. I had all the rest of the family that had quilts from mom bring theirs so it was like we had our own little quilt show. On top of that, her brothers and sisters from out of town were in on the party and came up to see her. We had them go out to the house earlier in the day to throw everything off. She had an idea that they might come earlier in the month but never heard back. However, she felt so good, she decided to go to the quilt show out at the track and was gone when her family showed up to surprise her. Dad worked his magic and got her back home to enjoy the afternoon with her brothers and sisters. She thought she and dad were going to the Bonefish for dinner at 6:45 so she didn't think anything of it when her family had to leave to go back to Milton Freewater. Instead they headed for the church to the party. Sherri called during the day(supposedly from Boise) to throw mom off, and of course that worked. On the way to dinner, dad had one of moms brothers call his cell phone and pretend he was someone from church needing something from dad and that he wanted him to come by the church. Dad stopped by the church to "drop something off," and came back out to the car to talk mom into coming in to see some neat decorations they had inside. Naturally, she pulled the classic, "BOB, I DON'T WANT TO GET OUT OF THE CAR, WHY ARE WE PARKED CLEAR OVER HERE, I DON'T WANT TO WALK, I DON'T CARE TO SEE DECORATIONS, COME ON"..... and so on." They pulled in on the side of the building they never park on but she came in anyway. She walked in to about 150+ people singing Happy Birthday and starting crying. It was awesome! The first thing she said was, " I want to know where this Bonefish place is!" It was hilarious, she kept talking about how bad she wanted to go to Bonefish for halibut. She was able to visit a while with people, but didn't get to see everyone one on one, as there were so many there. We had a little program, the grand kids sang a Hawaiian song lead my her granddaughter Kelsie Carver. Lisa Killian, Connie Schmidt, Becka Smith, and Tracy Taylor sang one of mom's favorite songs, The Wind Beneath My Wings. Sherri, Kim and I said a few words and we left the microphone open for people to share some stories. She was up in the front by the mic and kept making comments about people's stories. "You guys are lying," or "I don't remember that!" "Did I do that?" I went out to the house yesterday to see mom and she had a stack of about 50 cards and a few presents to get through. She was pretty tired from the party the night before but she was really happy. It really lifted her spirits and she felt special that so many old friends came to support her. She said that the party was the biggest thing she has ever had done for her. It was awesome because she was smiling so much and she told me that it was just what she needed. She has had a really hard month emotionally and sometimes forgets how much she is loved and how strong she is. Thanks to all who helped and to everyone who came and supported her. We also appreciate all those who pray on her behalf. It is hard to know what to to or what to say when you have a friend or a loved one ill or having a rough time. I know she likes to get cards and e-mails so if you would like to send a personal note to mom here is the information. E-mail: Chris Carver 216704 E. Game Farm Rd Kennewick Wa 99337

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Happy Easter everyone! I am so thankful for this time of year. I love spring, all the birds singing, my favorite little daffodils blooming and planting the garden. On my way home last night, I saw two little baby sheep with their mom close by , which to me is so precious. New life and a mother to watch them grow. I am so thankful for the gospel of Jesus Christ in my life. There hasn't been a time in my life where I have felt his love, grace and guidance more than at this time. My mom has been struggling to fight cancer and dealing with the anxiety of leaving this life. The only thing that keeps me going is to tell myself, "Mel, you will see her again, you can hug her again, you can be with her again, it will be okay!" What a comfort. It has been really hard to emotionally deal with things right now because she seems to be doing okay but I know she is suffering. I can't think or how much worse things will get because it is too hard. She is really been down because she is use to being able to go and do all the time and now she doesn't have the energy, and most of the time not even the will to. I know that through her fight, my family has been blessed. We are closer now than ever, we have stronger testimonies and we definitely all appreciate and love our mom more than anything. My dad had prostate cancer a couple of years ago and I don't ever remember being this scared or really that worried. I knew things would work out. As a spent some time with him yesterday afternoon, planting the garden, I couldn't help but think duh? He needed to go through that to have just enough understanding and compassion to help her get through this. He has really stepped up and been great. I know that she loves and appreciates his help. He has tried cooking and helps around the house, and when she throws a tantrum or gets mad about something he just hugs her and tells her to get better. I think I would do better if I didn't know how scared he was. However, my relationship with him is 110% better than ever as well. I have learned to love him more and more and am thankful for the things that he has taught me.

I love my Savior. I am thankful for the sacrifice he has made for me and that I have the opportunity, as well as my family, to live with him again.

I know that my Redeemer lives!What comfort this sweet sentence gives!He lives, he lives, who once was dead;He lives, my ever living head!
He lives triumphant from the grave;He lives eternally to save;He lives exalted, throned above;He lives to rule his Church in love.
He lives to grant me rich supply;He lives to guide me with his eye;He lives to comfort me when faint;He lives to hear my soul’s complaint.
He lives to silence all my fears;He lives to wipe away my tears;He lives to calm my troubled heart;He lives all blessings to impart.
He lives to bless me with his love;He lives to plead for me above;He lives my hungry soul to feed;He lives to help in time of need.
He lives, my kind, wise, heavenly friend;He lives and loves me to the end;He lives, and while he lives, I’ll sing;He lives, my Prophet, Priest, and King!
He lives and grants me daily breath;He lives, and I shall conquer death;He lives my mansion to prepare;He lives to bring me safely there.
He lives, all glory to his name!He lives, my savior, still the same;What joy this blest assurance gives:I know that my Redeemer lives!

Friday, March 21, 2008

Family Time

Sorry for slacking on updates everybody! Life sure does get busy doesn't it?
Last weekend my mom had the opportunity to go to TIME OUT FOR WOMEN up in Spokane with Sherri, Kim and I. We had a blast. We were glad mom was able to make it through the weekend. The event usually starts on Friday night and goes all day Saturday. However, this year they had special tickets for the first 400 women to meet in a more intimate group Friday morning to hear from Sheri Dew, Virginia Hinckley Pearce & Wendy Watson Nelson. It was amazing, we cried and laughed and snuggled together. All the things we miss doing with mom..... even though we are all married and grown up now, there is nothing like snuggling and getting a head rub from mom! Hillary Weeks presented on Saturday and performed a few songs as well as a group called Mercy River sang. One of my favorite talks was by Mary Ellen Edmunds. Mom laughed really hard when she spoke. She is a real funny lady and was talking about being a peacemaker. She said sometimes you have to bite your lip and it is really hard to be a peacemaker, sometimes it's so hard you need a PACEmaker. Mom got a kick out of that.
Sherri was here for a week and got to spend some time with mom. She is working on a quilt for her little girl Chelsea and mom could hardly stand to let it sit there. It was done before Sherri left. Kent turned 25 last week so the family got together at Granny's for dinner. We had a good time, everyone of the kids came but Steven who was at school.
As far as updates on moms progress. She is done with her last round of chemo for now. She has gotten through 4, although as a family we would like to see her do 2 more at least. She is having a really hard time believing in herself. She had a CT Scan done Monday and the results were good and bad. She doesn't have as much fluid on her lungs which is good news, however, it is still there and on her heart as well. The tumor hasn't really shrunk that much either. She is definitely going to need more chemo. She is going to try and get in next week with her Dr. to make new plans. Dr. Kris is going to give her some herbs to help her with the chemo so it is not as hard on her system this go around.

As for me..... I am doing much better on my new hypoglycemic diet. I saw Dr. Kris as well, on Monday. He diagnosed me with reactive hypoglycemia and suspects I also may have some food allergies. They took some blood to send to the lab to test for the allergies and he gave me some vitamins to boost my liver function. I've apparently been fighting some kind of viral infection as well so that might be why I was feeling so icky. Anyhow... I haven't had any nausea for a WHOLE WEEK! Hooray! I forgot what it felt like to not want to throw up all the time. No headaches either. I haven't had any sugar, white flour or simple carbs at all and have stuck to my diet all week. It is paying off and I hope it continues to. Now I just need to get my butt back in the gym. Blogging isn't the only thing I have been slacking on. Chris is gone tonight so I am catching up and using my time to do some heritage story booking. I have some fun projects I am wanting to do. The Cain Love Story, Outdoor Adventures of the Cain Family to name a few. Hope you enjoyed the random update! Oh, the pictures below are from the YM/YW Sledding Trip. You can hardly tell me from the kids! I am such a dork. We had such a blast and the Olsen's have a snow cat so we didn't even have to march up the hill every time.

My family got together for my brother Kents 25th Birthday at Granny's on the 13th of March. We had fun taking stupid pictures. 6 out of 7 of us were able to make it so it was fun!

Friday, March 7, 2008

100 Things about me

This was a lot harder to do than I thought it would be. I was needing a break from work!

1. I love to eat, anything sweet, carbs are my weakness, I can out eat my husband any day and he knows it, I love rib-eye steak and prime rib and mashed potatoes, my moms crazy chocolate cake, apple dumplings, black bottom cupcakes, mac salad, homeade ice cream with peace melba and much more.
2. I really don't enjoy wake boarding, although I love a sunny day on the boat hanging with my hubby and the boat boys.
3. My best friends are my sisters and my momma.
4. I only talk to a few people I was friends with in high school. (Friends in high school aren't usually true friends I guess)
5. I decided to be a Massage Therapist when I was in 6th grade and I went to Massage School when I was 18.
6. When I was younger, my sister Kim would pay me with Whatchamacallit candy bars to tickle her back.
7. I am the baby of 7 kids, 4 brothers and 2 sisters and I am Mormon, not Catholic.
8. I hated changing hand line sprinklers as a kid but love the work ethic I learned from it and appreciate it now.
9. My brother Kent dared me to eat dog food once... AND I DID.
10. I don't have a favorite color because it changes like every 6 months. (just like my hair)
11. The first time I met my husband I thought he had a bad hair line, he was boring, and really short.
12. The second time I met my husband (almost 2 years later), I was super nervous, thought he was super hot, was impressed with his sweet wake board moves and was in love with his cute girl feet.
13. I secretly want to be this amazing athlete of some kind, always super ripped and in the best shape that craves food like sugar snap peas and carrots instead of milky ways.
14. I hate to run and almost died the last time I attempted to run a mile.
15. I can't wait to have a baby and am so excited to have a little one to kiss and hold and snuggle.
16. My biggest pet peeves are: stepping on wet floors, having my laundry room door open with clothes washing, unrinsed cereal bowls in my sink, people making noise when I am trying to concentrate or read, being on my period during an important event and unmatching socks left at the end of folding clothes.
17. I want to grow up to be just like my mom!
18. I use to thinking blogging was dumb, and now I am addicted.
19. I live in a ghetto trailer in East Pasco and I have 70's wallpaper in my kitchen and can't take a shower if I have done laundry or dishes in the same hour.
20. When I was in 4th grade I sang a solo in a school play.
21. I got a guitar for Christmas and want to learn how to play some day.
22. My husband says my food specialty is my grubbin sandwiches and my pasta salad.
23. When I was a kid, my friend Jessica Perry and I had a fake radio station and my radio name was Heidi Wagnar.
24. I have an amazing talent of making my stomach make crazy gurgily and hunger noises on demand.
25. I climbed Mt.St Helens when I was 21 with a group of boy scouts and my husband, and was crazy enough to slide down the mountain on a piece of construction plastic.
26. In 8th grade, I could beat all my guy friends in arm wrestling.
27. I played volleyball from 7th to 9th grade and quit to get a job full time. I miss it a lot and want to get back into it playing co-ed or something later in life when my kids are older.
28. I love to give people presents, especially surprise things.
29. I pop my knuckles and fingers like 5x a day.
30. Growing up, I shared a room with both of my sisters, and it wasn't very big.
31. Kent and I got in big trouble once smashing the car windows out or our neighbors old nova that was parked in their back yard.
32. I once had a rock collection and a rock store. I sold my neighbor lady a basalt rock for $.50.
33. I've been barge jumping and train bridge jumping before.
34. I love to watch Disney movies still.
35. I can still wear clothes that I have from middle school! Yeah Baby!!!!!!!!1
36. I can drive, talk on the phone and eat all at the same time.
37. I miss having slumber parties with girlfriends even though I am big and married now.
38. I am the only one in my family that didn't go to Finley High School.
39. I was ASB president of my Elementary School when I was in 5th grade.
40. When I was in 1st grade I burned my right hand really bad on the wood stove and couldn't write for like a month.
41. Chris proposed to me on the river... surprise, surprise!
42. I am a sucker for bargain stores and good deals and shop mostly at consignment stores.
43. My new favorite cookie is white chocolate, oatmeal, cranberry cookies.
44. I have never had chicken pox, a black eye, a bloody nose or a fat lip.
45. I had my tonsils out when I was 20.
44. My favorite time of year is Spring.
45. My worst quality is my tendency to complain.
46. One of my favorite things to do is get online and look up information on random facts. To learn about something new. This month- to grow an herb garden.
47. I have recently taken on the challenge to work on my personal progress since I never finished when I was in young women's.
48. I won the D.A.R.E. essay contest in 5th grade and had to read my essay in front of the whole school.
49. One year at girls camp, I got in trouble for killing a bull snake. I threw a rock at it to scare it away because some of the girls were freaking out, and it landed on its head accidentally killing it.
50. To this day, I am still good friends with my Beehive and Mia Maid advisor Natalie Christopherson.
60. I took a total of 4 pigs to the Fair for 4-H. It was the best part of summer every year because of all the cute boys you met and the 4-H dance at the end of the week.
61. I never tooted around a boy until I met my husband. I was always too embarrassed.
62. I know how to play the piano but I can't read the bottom hand notes.
63. I love to buy new clothes but don't enjoy the process of shopping.
64. My favorite show right now is Grey's Anatomy but due to the dumb writers strike I am forced to make up 100 things about myself for entertainment instead.
65. In the winter, I only shave my legs like 1x a week... if that. Nasty huh?
66. I have always wished I could sing, but I can't. I envy people with good voices.
67. When my brothers and sisters get together, my favorite thing to do is talk about old times growing up.
68. I once dressed up in my dads clothes and stuffed pillows in my pants and shirt and walked out to the mailbox. One of my siblings took a picture and it is somewhere around my parents house.
69. I love March when the daffodils come up.
70. I accidently dislocated my husbands shoulder wrestling with him once.
71. Until I was like 13, I was mortified to be home or anywhere alone.
72. I love top ramen still. I once ate a whole pack in 2 bites- Courtesy of a dare from my brother Kent and Cousin Reece.
73. The most horrifying childhood scheme I pulled was drowning a cat in creosote oil and blaming it on Kent who wasn't even home at the time. I think I was like 5. My husband calls me an animal killer all the time.
74. I played the drums in middle school and still itch to play all the time.
75. I want a hot tub in my future home.
76. I wish german pancakes were good for you and not loaded with sugar and butter.
77. All 5 of the younger kids in my family shared one tiny bathroom growing up.
78. I went to massage school in Post Falls Idaho.
79. The crappiest job I ever worked at was a cashier and sales associate at Old Navy in Spokane.
80. I have been told I look like Sarah Jessica Parker by more than one person, and I was not happy!
81. I have my dad's eyebrows and have to cut the tops with sissors like once a month or they would grow up into my bangs. I hate them!!!!!
82. I own over 60 pairs of shoes/sandles/flipflops.
83. My favorite bath and body smell is coconut lime verbena
84. I started my own business when I was 19 and my boyfriend at the time, who is now my husband helped me paint my first office.
85. Chris and I had our first kiss(s) :) at a wake board competition, he initiated it and it was our first time hanging out alone. He was a bad boy! Kissing me on the first date....what? I love it!
87. I listen to all types of music, from country to oldies and I always sing in the car.
89. I once recorded myself singing to Celine Dion on my old CD player using headphones plugged into the microphone jack for a microphone . I still have the tape.
90. My wedding song was, "Because you love me," By Jodee Messina.
91. My first real concert was in Boise Idaho to see Tim McGraw & Faith Hills, Soul to Soul tour with my sister Sherri.
92. I already have like 20 names picked out for my future kids. ( I'm not having 20 though, don't worry.)
93. I have a snowboard I have never used.
94. I make the best grinch face in the whole world.
95. I love to get massages and pedicures as much as I love to eat.
96. Tide is my favorite laundry soap but I am too cheap to buy it so I use whatever is on sale instead.
97. I suck really bad at text messaging and it takes me forever to type something.
98. I have met 7 of the 8 new years resolutions I made this year so far.
99. I am still glad I married my husband, and can't believe he fell for me.
100. I am even more glad this list is over because my brain hurts and I am tired.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

WEEEEEE..... Riding on The Road to DEBT FREE

I am so excited! Since middle school I can remember wanting to have my very own car. I never wanted anything fancy, just something besides the grandma cars my parents always seemed to drive because they were "paid for." In high school I drove my moms old 92 Maxima which had its own special tricks to drive. You had to slip it in to neutral and rev the engine to 1500 RPMs to keep it running or the battery would die. The seat belt light always went off so you had to undo the automatic seat belt button and then put it back in. All the joys of the high school car. To me it was an annoying, nagging hunk of metal with tires on it, that didn't belong to me. I remember being mad at my dad for not letting me buy a car with my work money when I didn't have anything else to pay for but fast food and gum. He said that if I drove his car he could control me. ERRRR. I couldn't wait to get my own. I drove it in Spokane while I went to massage school and put money into new tires and a rebuilt transmission. While Chris and I were dating, I got in the habit of carrying jumper cables in both our cars because my car died ALL THE TIME. It's a good thing I am not shy, because I asked a lot of random people in walmart parking lots and such to give me a jump.

Right before Chris and I got engaged I decided to get my OWN car. He cosigned for me at Hapo and I bought my little white Mazda 626 for $7200. I never really had a plan on when I wanted to pay it off but Chris encouraged me to do it within a year so I wouldn't have to pay so much in interest. I was so excited to have my own car that had great a/c and no beeping automatic seat belt lights and oh, the most important of the jacked up things.... a leaky power steering thingy. I know what you are thinking.... it's just a Mazda Mel..... but dude. It is 10 years newer than the Maxima and a business tax write off! I remember test driving it with the lady I bought it from and freaking out when I discovered it had cup holders. Boy was I ecstatic. Anyway, the point of this post is to announce that today March 5th 2008 I made my last payment on my pretty little wanna be mommy friendly car, a little over the one year goal at 1 year and 5 months. She's paid for baby!!!! and she is all mine................................FINALLY! Yeah. and another yeah for the corniest post ever. YEAH!

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Birthday Love

I had a great Birthday yesterday! The older I get, the less I care that when it is my Birthday. It just doesn't seem like it is as big of a deal as it did when I was younger. My husband surprised me Friday night with flowers. Ha ha. The story is, when we were dating, he never gave me flowers. For Christmas this year he put roses in my stocking which I blogged about previously. Anyway... for Valentines he came to my office for a massage and on the way stopped to get me a single rose. Pretty flower overboard for him I thought. So Friday I came home and was busy talking as usual and looked up to notice a vase with tulips in it. I was surprised and said something like, "Oh yeah, birthday tulips eh?" Every year as a kid I can remember the daffodils coming up in the spring. I always knew when my birthday was near because of the daffodils in the front yard about to bloom. I always talk about them being a special memory to me and last year my mom got me a pot of them. Chris was being cute and thought he got me the special birthday flowers... daffodils. However, he got tulips instead!!!!!!!!!! HA, I thought it was so cute. At least he tried. There was a card in front of the vase but he wouldn't let me read it because it wasn't my birthday until tomorrow. So at midnight, I made him bring the card to me. I was so impressed, it made me cry because it was the sweetest ever. In case you can't read it is says, To my friend, my lover, my wife, From your pal, your stud, your husband. Love Chris. On the other side it says, " I love you today more than yesterday and tomorrow more than today. Happy Birthday my Sweetheart." He continues to surprise me all the time. I gathered that he copied the cute part from another card and he confessed the idea sprang from a card but the words were his. I could have cared less where it came from, I was just excited it had my name on it. He said that I would have to wait for the rest of my present bcause it was in the mail.

In the morning my mom called to tell me that my birthday cake was ready! Does anyone know what that means? The super dooper chocolate cake with cream cheese frosting that the Carver family fights over was made by my sick mother just for little ol me! I was determined no matter what happened on my birthday this year that it couldn't possibly be ruined because that was the greatest gift ever to me. She was worried that she didn't get me anything and was feeling bad that she could do anything or get out to get me a gift. She can hardly get out of bed right now and she got up in the morning and made be the best thing ever. I love her so much. I went out to get it and got to spend a little time with her. I made her take a picture of me taking the first bite. If you look closely at the picture, you can see the big dip in the middle of the cake. That is because it is so gooey and good and heavy and rich and glorious...... that it caves in. The Carver Food obsession. It really is a science.

We met my brother Kent and his girlfriend Jessica at Anthony's last night for dinner. I had halibut cheeks with mango salsa and wild rice pilaf, Caesar salad and we had crab & artichoke dip and breaded oysters for appetizers. It was yummy! We finished the night off with one of my favorite chick flicks, Raising Helen," in which Chris feel asleep! Ha of course. It was a great day, everyone in my family I talked to sang to me.

Saturday, March 1, 2008

My new found thoughts on Pregnancy

Last night my sister Kim and I had a girls night and watched a movie about Midwives and the Business of Being Born with Ricki Lake. I was trying to Convert her to a new way of thinking about the whole birthing experience. I came upon in the other night on netflix. I have been watching a lot of pregnancy for dummies movies and anything that has to do with getting ready to have a baby. This movie changed my mind about A LOT of things. It is so incredible. It made me happy, sad and mad all at the same time. They use to do horrible things to pregnant women in the hospital. It just goes to show who brainwashed we become as Americans in our own little worlds, going along with what everyone else tells us or does without doing our own research first. It is kind of like American food. Things that supposedly are healthy.... like McDonald's Salads are really not. Whole wheat cereal with health claims like low fat on it.... loaded with tons of sugar? What is healthy about that? If it has to be explained, has words you can't pronounce on it or has more than 10 ingredients, it probably shouldn't be in your body. It is the same with this pregnancy birthing thing. You will have to watch to understand. Anyway, I thought I was pregnant but I am not. I got really freaked out about the fact that I will have to give birth some day and what my doctor would be like and about my pregnancy, would I have complications and so on. You think totally different when you have that feeling, holy cow, I MIGHT BE PREGNANT. WOW, what a shocker, especially when you really weren't planning. Everyone that knows me knows how much of a planner I am. I decided to be a massage therapist in 6th grade. When I really set my mind to something I go for it. I am totally going to try having a natural birth. If I don't' have complications and my Dr. Says its okay I am totally going with it. Kim is super excited. I showed her the movie and she was crying off and on. She was really surprised what she didn't know. She said if she had seen this before, she would have wanted a midwife. Anyway... it is really cool. If you get around to it, it is a really interesting documentary.
Director Abby Epstein's controversial documentary takes a hard look at America's maternity care system, juxtaposing hospital deliveries against the growing popularity of at-home, natural childbirths that many expectant parents are now opting for. Former talk show host Ricki Lake was inspired to produce this compelling exposé after a dissatisfying birthing experience with her first child left her with many unanswered questions.