Wednesday, May 27, 2009

More Pictures


The Ottley's said...

I love your header picture! What is it about naked babies that just make them so cute?! Also, I must say what a well dressed baby you have! Several of those outfits look familiar! Can you tell he's growing? I didn't realize Gavinn was until we sat next to you at church and say Keldon. Gavinn looked like a beast! I remember when he was so small... we are officially out of newborn clothes and diapers which has been quite a bittersweet ordeal. The whole mother world is quite an adjustment hey?! :)

Cassidy @ Thrillingly Thrifty said...

I agree with Tami about the picture...I've tried so hard to get cute ones of John, but none of them turned out nearly as good as yours! Oh well, its probably just bad photographer :)
And I am all for some "get out of the house" time if you ever want to get together...our little four-plex is getting tinier by the day! Just let me know when and where and I will so be there!

The McEwen's said...

I love reading your updates to see how things are going. Reading about your little family and your mom brought tears to my eyes, you are such a strong person! But, I would love to get together sometime to give you a break, or just to be company and see Keldon. Give me a call or something sometime.

Shelli said...

He's so cute. Who do people say he looks like? I see a lot of you, but these are just pictures, so hard to tell. Hope you are enjoying mommy life!!!