Thursday, April 23, 2009

I love my Sweetheart Husband

Chris has been so sweet. He is a little grumpy but he has been working sooooo hard lately and when he gets home, he has to hear me complain about all the mommy stuff and the house needs this stuff etc. I freaked out on Tuesday because of the heat wave that struck Tri-Cities and literally thought I might die. I was crying and having somewhat of a panic attack that my kid was going to cook inside my womb if I didn't get air conditioning. Chris was so cute, telling me to calm down and that we would go look at ac's when he got home from work. We shopped around a little and found the best prices at Lowes. He went back yesterday and got the AC then went to walmart and returned the dresser that we got that he broke as he was putting it together. There was a broken piece to begin with, but as he was putting it together he got frustrated because it wouldn't fit together and tore it all apart. He put all the pieces in a random box from the house and brought it back to the store like that. I was so embarrassed but hey, he wasn't and we got all our money back. Yesterday I had my ultrasound which showed my amniotic fluid level was okay but Keldon is measuring at 34 weeks and around 5.7lbs (Give or take a pound, you know hot that goes, not always accurate). I will be 37 tomorrow so I am not sure what is going on. I had a non-stress test at KGH today, with my blood pressure the normal semi-high around 140/90. The nurse talked to the Doctor and I am suppose to continue moderate bed rest and take it easy until Monday's appointment, but watch for any red flags over the weekend. His goal was to get me to 37 weeks so Monday I am going to ask him about setting a date for an induction and talk about why the baby isn't growing. He will have the ultrasound results back by then as well as my blood work so we will go from there. I have all my baby stuff ready, his and my bag packed and my house closer to looking like a house. Can't wait till he gets here.... I just want to snuggle him.

1 comment:

Petersons said...

Your husband is so nice! I can't wait for baby Keldon to get here already! I am coming to Kennewick for the weekend, this weekend April 30- May 3. So I will call you because I got to see you pregnant! But if you already have the baby that will be cool to see too:)