Sunday, April 12, 2009

35 weeks and 1 day- Me on the way to a massage and pedicure for a
stress free Saturday! YIPPEE
The baby has definitely dropped this week with all the stress.
I am too tired to update all the drama in our lives right now, but
I am sure he is coming early. I have another stress test tomorrow and will
see if I am dilating at all. My blood pressure has been consistently high
since last week and my feet and hands are swollen and are on fire! Not
to mention the lovely headaches and dizziness. Pray to make it to 37 weeks....
I can handle having him at 37 I think.


Petersons said...

I am praying for you! I hope your stress free saturday went well? How is your new house? p.s. I'm not prego this month:)

Cate said...

You meant 37 weeks, right?! You can handle it....and so can he at that stage :) Take care of yourself!!! Nothing else is more important at this point!