Thursday, September 4, 2008

Time out for Fishing

Yesterday my Dad and I went fishing at Jubilee Lake. It is the same lake my Mom and Dad went fishing the last time they went together. It was really great. I called Dad earlier in the week and told him I had Wednesday off and asked him if he wanted to get away for a fishing trip. We left about 5:30am, I had made lunch and he swung by on the way out of town to pick me up. We talked the whole way up and back. I was sure missing my mom. She loved to fish, and especially at Jubilee Lake. My dad out fished me by quite a lot. The limit is 5 per person and he would catch a fish that was pretty small and he'd sort through the others and keep the biggest ones. You aren't really suppose to do that. You are suppose to keep them. I caught the biggest fish but dad caught the most. It was a gorgeous day, it was a little breezy but so pretty. Every so often there would be enough of a breeze to cause a little ripple on the water and that was it. We caught our limit, (well I caught 3 worth keeping and dad caught his 5 and 2 of mine not counting the 10 or so he threw back) and headed out at about 1:00pm. A good day. I got home a took a power nap and headed off the mutual. When we got home, I cooked up the fish. Interesting! I had to picture my mom in the kitchen. She dipped them in flour right? I had to remember a ways back to figure it out. Then I gave Chris a lesson on taking the fins off and getting the meat off the bones without getting bones in it. It was pretty funny, Mom always left the heads on so I did too. Chris ate one fish and told me after eating the first one that he wouldn't mind it so bad if the fish wasn't staring at him he said! I think it grossed him out a little. Needless to say, we have a lot more fish to eat. Maybe fish tacos tomorrow night eh?


Kareen Bailey said...

I'm with Chris - I love fish - without it looking at me! I like your new background.

Petersons said...

I love your new background!! I suck at fishing, I am so impressed that you are good at it. How is work? Love ya!