Monday, February 25, 2008

My moms last round of Chemo

Today is my moms last scheduled round of chemo! I am so excited for her. She is such a little trooper with such a positive attitude. We will re-scan everything when she is done and then take a little break for a while so she can regain her strength and maybe a little weight too!
I have always struggled with my attitude. When I was younger more so than now but I just am always thinking of the negative first. I think it is one of my biggest weaknesses. I wish I could be more like my mom and look at the glass half full. I am working on it though. Chris usually has a lot better attitude than I do. He can always see positive in things and just lets insignificant things roll on by, whereas I make a mole hill out of an ant hole. I gave a lesson in young women's the other day on Attitude to my girls and realized that the lesson was for me more than them. I made cute little quotes for each girl but made them all different. I put them upside down and told them all to pick one and joked that the one they got was specifically meant to be for them. Guess what I got? "The biggest disability in this life is a bad attitude." Another one surfaced on the table because one of my girls was gone so I got hers too. "If you cant change something, change the way you think about it!" So.... I guess that is the lesson for the week.


The Two of Us said...

Yay...I am so glad your mom is almost done!!! Thanks for the uplifting post on attitudes...sometimes I need that:)

Shelli said...

Those are great words to live by! Life is so much easier when we remember things like that!

Petersons said...

I hate having weaknesses! Yours is being negative and mine is lots of stuff, mainly being impatient! Sounds like you are working hard to overcome the negative tude, I think you have great attitudes towards things! Your b-day is in a couple of days are you excited?

Angie said...

So I just read that you are all going to "Time Out" that will be so fun! Me my mom Brandi Kara and Brittney all went in Oct. I think it was and it was incredible! I loved it! I updated my blog just for you! haha