Friday, January 4, 2008

Workin on the Trailer

When Chris and I were first dating, I use to go over and help him work on his projects. One trailer in particular was death! I made the mistake of helping once and doing a good job and let him discover the fact that I could actually work. Needless to say, we spent many many hours in that nasty place. We would flirt and I loved to see him working, it was pretty funny and of course he always looks hot when he works. Ha ha!! Anyway, he kind of gives me crap because I haven't volunteered to help in the last year or so. Tonight, I was on my way home and wanted to just watch a movie and relax but I went to Little Caesar's instead, grabbed a pizza and headed for home. I changed into my grubs and brought dinner and service to him at the trailer. The look on his face was awesome. He was pretty excited, it cracked me up. Anyway, I helped until about 11:00 and got tired so I left him there all by his lonesome. I am trying to be better at having a good attitude and helping him out when he is stressed. I actually had fun, it seems silly that after being married for a while, you still do little things to impress them.

1 comment:

Kim said...

Melanie it isn't silly, its how we stay in love after years of years of being married to a man that we know bad and good about and just about every fault that he has. Those simple acts of service and love is the reason marriages last. Just a little wisdom from Dr. Kim!!! Love that you are doing your blog now. I love you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!