Sunday, January 27, 2008

Life, Graditude, Babies & Mountains to Climb

I haven't blogged in a while and everyone is bugging me to get on here including my conscience. I have been busy organizing my house and dreading my awful business taxes due this month. I am sort of overwhelmed with Life. I haven't been feeling very well lately and have been kinda down in the dumps, not motivated to exercise or clean or even work. I was talking to my mom about it when I realized that she is the one with cancer... WHAT AM I COMPLAINING ABOUT! She has such a good attitude and is taking one day at a time. Sometimes we forget that TODAY is NOT the END OF THE WORLD! I have such a hard time remembering that some times. I fight it so much when I have a bad day or am down, I don't know why. I just have to remember the eternal perspective of things and count my blessings. I look back at the things in my life that I thought I would never get through and am amazed at how little and insignificant they are. I am so thankful for all my blessings and for the things that I have at this stage in my life. I am scared to have kids because I know that they will rely on me for everything. If momma ain't happy, ain't nobody happy right? Chris and I have been talking about getting pregnant this year sometime. I am totally excited but at the same time, super scared and nervous. I have been reading every publication on parenting, motherhood and children I can get my hands on and he thinks I am crazy! "Melanie, you aren't even pregnant, and when you are you have like 10 months to get ready!" I guess I just want to be the best mom I can be. My sisters are both always doing their best raising their kids and worry about the littlest things. They seem little to me now, but I know how important they are in the overall picture of a successful family. I can't wait to have a baby to snuggle and kiss on and want my mom to be able to be here to share all the special moments of first time motherhood with me. She is such a good example of a selfless mother. She has always put us first and she still does. I was able to do a session at the temple the other day and put her name on the prayer role. It was so special to me to do something for her that she couldn't do for herself for once. I love her so much! Life seems better than it ever has, maybe because it means so much more to me now than it ever has. Cherish every moment! There are mountains to climb... so climb on!


Kim said...

The thing that's so complicated with motherhood is that you've got to work out your salvation as well as teaching your kids to do the same. All while maintaining a loving home that teaches your children that more than anything you love God and live everyday of your life proving to them that he is the center focus of your home. If home is the coziest, loving place in the world to them and they want to be there more than anywhere else I think its natural for them to grow and want the same things they had while they were in your care. Its so hard to keep level headed and not get angry every now and then though. BTW, there is some great articles in FEB Ensign. One is about tempers. I need to do better. I love you so much and hope you feel better soon. Loved this post. Sounded like something I'd write! :)

Petersons said...

Hey girl! Just wanted to let you know that I am so glad I'm not the only one that feels the same way about this life stuff! I get really down sometimes but then I remember how blessed I am! Did you call me a while ago I checked my messages finally (you know me) and I had no idea you called! I miss you p.s. I might get pregnant this year too! Maybe our babies can be friends? love ya,siera

Trev said...

Very well written, Mel. Life is NOT easy, but it's so rewarding if you are willing to sacrifice. I hope you feel better soon!