Tuesday, December 9, 2008

17 1/2 Weeks

Look at that Tummy!


Kareen Bailey said...

So cute! I wish I had looked that good when I was pregnant. Are you two finding out the sex of the baby at your next ultrasound?

Rachel said...

cute tummy! I miss seeing you!

Shelli said...

So stinkin cute, girl!!!

Petersons said...

so is it a girl or a boy already!!!!

The McEwen's said...

Oh you're so tiny. I know it may not feel like it sometimes, but you just wait until you get pictures of yourself when you're about to pop and look at them! Anyway, you look great. How are you feeling?

John & Sierra said...

Oh my goodness! You are so cute :)
I'm so excited for you. Being a mama is awesome, you are going to love it :) I can't wait to see you!