Thursday, April 2, 2009


I took two days off work this week to move and didn't really get it done. My awesome sisters came over while Sherri was in town and helped moved a lot of stuff on Tuesday. Wednesday I did a little here and there putting things away and then got stuck at Walmart buying groceries and new house stuff. Even though it is in a ghetto mobile home park I would have to say it is at least 2 or 3 times better than the old place. I am excited to have a nicer kitchen and actually be able to leave my blinds open without tenants knocking on my door and peeking in my windows. Keldon's furniture is all unpacked but we still have a days worth of putting stuff together. Hopefully by Monday I can go to work relaxed. We have conference this weekend so that will give us more time to organize. I got little bins and baskets at the store yesterday. It is so nice to have a place for everything instead of just being shoved in here and there. I didn't know how much food I actually had in my old house until we started packing it. I have a little pantry thing at the new place and I can actually see where things are. GLORIOUS! My back is killing me, I have had a headache for 3 days and I get to go to work in a couple of hours and give 4 massages, how? I don't know!

1 comment:

Brock and Emily Gibbons said...

holy cow mel! that is so crazy. we do need to get together. i had no idea you were moving! I'm excited for you. So what is chris going to do now?