Baby Keldon is getting way too big and wiggly. He as been sticking his foot out on both my sides lately and hard enough to make me jump constantly. He is rolling his bum from right to left and back and forth. His head has been down for about 2 months now and I have a feeling he is coming early. Maybe just superstition? I would like to think that a nice mothers day present would be a little baby boy that just so happens to be a little gift from my mother and the man upstairs.... haha , wishful thinking huh? I am crossing my fingers. Chris got "let go," from his management job at the mobile home park which leaves us houseless. There is a mobile home within the park that he owns which is vacant right now. He has been having a hard time selling it and it so happens to be the nicest one he owns. It is newly remodeled and at least has new paint and new carpet. We might be moving over there this week and he is hoping to continuing working until his contract with the park ends which for right now is June. We are already paying lot rent and electricity so we might as well move there instead of staying in the place we are now. That will give me time to get ready for the baby and be ready and as non-stressed as I can be in case he comes early. I am excited to have a less ghetto house/trailer! I am having a couple of baby showers in the next month and will feel more prepared when they have come and gone. I haven't bought hardly anything so far. I want to wait until after the showers and then go get the things I still need. I suppose I should pack a hospital bag just in case. I talked Chris into childbirth classes. We have gone 3 weeks and have one week left with a private birth Doula and 3 other couples. I have really enjoyed it. I think he thinks it is a little out there. We draw "Birth Art," and express our inner feelings. HA, funny right? It is actually really cool and I think will help me tons. I am still planning on doing things natural for now and take it one step at a time. I think the classes have helped Chris to understand what I need as far as support. He is actually pretty into it and has formed his own little opinion about birthing which has been interesting. We will see how this baby goes. He keeps mentioning an at home water birth. Ha ha! Maybe he should try it first.
I love being pregnant! I rub my belly about 23 hours out of the day. My sister Kim was making fun of me the other day. This kid is going to be addicted to massages like his daddy!

Melanie, you are looking so usual. I hope the birthing experience goes as well as the birthing classes. If you need help moving this week, give me a call. You probably shouldn't lift anything.
Wow, sorry about Chris's job! Good thing you have an option with the house, I hope it all works out for you guys! You are a cute pregnant lady, I love reading your first mommy thoughts.
You are looking so good~
I'm glad you guys still have a place to live! I think your baby will be early too:) You have to post your painting about birth, that sounds way to funny!
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