Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Food Allergies

WOW! So.... I found out today what the REAL culprit of the headache/mood swing/crazy Melanie is. I am allergic to eggs and dairy products.... oh and cranberries odd enough. Not that I really eat cranberries but yep! This is good news as well as bad news. I am glad and happy to weed out the bad stuff but sad that sour cream and cream cheese are not okay. I like cheese and milk but they seem to be in all the things that effect my blood sugar like scalloped potatoes and ice cream to name a few of the faves. Anyhow, now that I have cut out the sugar for almost 2 months, we will see what month 3 brings. Hopefully less headaches, tummy aches, backaches and wife-aches!!!! Wish me luck.... I am turning into a Rabbit!


Shelli said...

Good luck Melanie! You will be healthier for it though, hope you feel like yourself again soon!!

Kareen Bailey said...

Milk and eggs - I'm sorry! Can you have goats or soy milk? Good luck finding new foods to love and I hope you start feeling better.

Trev said...

What about whale's milk and snake eggs? That would really suck if you were allergic to those! Good luck Mel!

Brandi said...

Hey Melanie-
I am reading a book right now called "The China Study" and it talks about several studies done on all of the bad things we get from milk, eggs, and meat. So read the book and you'll feel a lot better about having to miss out on all of those foods! After reading the book my meat eating husband is ready to go vegetarian! I'm still reading it but already I can't believe it.

Wendy said...

So sorry my dear! But I am glad that you finally know what's causing the false pregnancy. And you can finally start feeling better - by basically starving yourself. You should be glad that you can get some of that sugar back now - right?! Life without sugar - is simply no life at all.

Petersons said...

Hey where have you been? I am worried because you don't usually stop blogging for this long, I think I will call you to see if you are ok! love ya