Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Family History

I have been doing my personal history for the last week of so. At the church book store there is a book called Share Your Stories MOTHER. I got it from my mom and I have been writing in it. It has been really fun. I love to talk about old memories and remember stupid things I did has a kid. The book starts out with your birth and asks 196 questions about your childhood up to your adult life. 3/4 of the book you can do up to your 20's. I can't imagine waiting until I am 40 to do it. I can't remember stuff now, what would I remember in 20 years from now? I bought the same book for my sister Sherri for Christmas and before I gave it to her, I took it out to my moms house. We snuggled up in her bed with my laptop and I typed as she talked and we got through the childhood section of the book. It is fun to hear stories about her childhood and have her help me remember my own. When I am done, I am going to take pictures of things I don't have like one of the house I grew up in and my elementary school and do a Heritage Makers Storybook. I am so excited. My goal is to be done with my history before I have a baby.

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