I posted this post on my moms blog and didn't want to tell the story twice so.....
Mom had her 62nd yesterday! YAHOO!!!!! Happy Birthday Mom. After many lies and hours, we were able to pull a surprise on my mom. For her Birthday, the girls and I organized a surprise Birthday Bash at the church for her on Saturday. We decided to do it a couple weeks ago and didn't have much time to work with. The picture I used for the invitation wasn't a great one but she doesn't have that many pictures and its pretty hard to steal stuff from a woman that is on top of things like my mom. She had no clue, not even an incline that we were having a party and definitely not one as big as we did. Prior to the party, I made up a big fat lie that I needed to use some of moms quilts for a church quilting party we were having and she happily gave me all her quilts to use. I had all the rest of the family that had quilts from mom bring theirs so it was like we had our own little quilt show. On top of that, her brothers and sisters from out of town were in on the party and came up to see her. We had them go out to the house earlier in the day to throw everything off. She had an idea that they might come earlier in the month but never heard back. However, she felt so good, she decided to go to the quilt show out at the track and was gone when her family showed up to surprise her. Dad worked his magic and got her back home to enjoy the afternoon with her brothers and sisters. She thought she and dad were going to the Bonefish for dinner at 6:45 so she didn't think anything of it when her family had to leave to go back to Milton Freewater. Instead they headed for the church to the party. Sherri called during the day(supposedly from Boise) to throw mom off, and of course that worked. On the way to dinner, dad had one of moms brothers call his cell phone and pretend he was someone from church needing something from dad and that he wanted him to come by the church. Dad stopped by the church to "drop something off," and came back out to the car to talk mom into coming in to see some neat decorations they had inside. Naturally, she pulled the classic, "BOB, I DON'T WANT TO GET OUT OF THE CAR, WHY ARE WE PARKED CLEAR OVER HERE, I DON'T WANT TO WALK, I DON'T CARE TO SEE DECORATIONS, COME ON"..... and so on." They pulled in on the side of the building they never park on but she came in anyway. She walked in to about 150+ people singing Happy Birthday and starting crying. It was awesome! The first thing she said was, " I want to know where this Bonefish place is!" It was hilarious, she kept talking about how bad she wanted to go to Bonefish for halibut. She was able to visit a while with people, but didn't get to see everyone one on one, as there were so many there. We had a little program, the grand kids sang a Hawaiian song lead my her granddaughter Kelsie Carver. Lisa Killian, Connie Schmidt, Becka Smith, and Tracy Taylor sang one of mom's favorite songs, The Wind Beneath My Wings. Sherri, Kim and I said a few words and we left the microphone open for people to share some stories. She was up in the front by the mic and kept making comments about people's stories. "You guys are lying," or "I don't remember that!" "Did I do that?" I went out to the house yesterday to see mom and she had a stack of about 50 cards and a few presents to get through. She was pretty tired from the party the night before but she was really happy. It really lifted her spirits and she felt special that so many old friends came to support her. She said that the party was the biggest thing she has ever had done for her. It was awesome because she was smiling so much and she told me that it was just what she needed. She has had a really hard month emotionally and sometimes forgets how much she is loved and how strong she is. Thanks to all who helped and to everyone who came and supported her. We also appreciate all those who pray on her behalf. It is hard to know what to to or what to say when you have a friend or a loved one ill or having a rough time. I know she likes to get cards and e-mails so if you would like to send a personal note to mom here is the information. E-mail: chriskcarver@charter.net Chris Carver 216704 E. Game Farm Rd Kennewick Wa 99337
You guys are so cool. What a great day for you and your mom!!
Mel, what a great thing you did for her. I know you love your mom dearly, I hope she knows it, too!
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