Thursday, July 1, 2010

Good Mommies....

Being a good mother means......

Letting your baby play with the pots and pans even if they are right under your feet and its loud and annoying

Cleaning up broken up pieces of crackers out of the couch cushions, the car seat....your hair and any other cracks babies find to smash things in

playing peek a boo even when you don't have time

reading the first 4 pages of a 12 page book....over and over again because your baby wont sit still

wiping hundreds of nasty boogies and wiping hundreds of poopy bums

finding enough patience to let the little tantrums go without freaking out

playing tickle monster with a snotty nosed, crying baby at 3 am

rocking with a blankie all night long, knowing you wont get a nap the next day

playing cars on the kitchen floor

eating banana cream pie and vanilla wafers for a snack because you're only one once

sharing an ice cream bar even though you know it will take 10 wipes to clean up the mess

Motherhood is a challenge.... you give and give but in the end, when I see this little face, it is all worth it!

Today I am proud to say, that I was a good mommy

1 comment:

The Ottley's said...

Ah yes, good mommies! It's not always easy! Glad to hear things are going well!