The month of December was a busy one as always. I moved my massage practice to a new location in October and have been trying to catch up for 2 months. A lot of things went crazy with the move and there is always more decorating and organizing to do than you ever plan on. Business is good. I have 3 new therapists in the office that actually work! It is nice to have people around at the office and I have found that I am happier at work with the added compnay. We sold lots of Gift Certificates this month and set a new record! It will be interesting in the next couple of months to see who and how many people actually redeem them.
A couple weeks before Christmas, our friend Ben LaMothe invited us to go snowmobiling up at his family's cabin by Tolgate in Oregon. We took Keldon of course.... and had a good time. He was crawling all over and had a few tumbles but overall did pretty good staying out of the stepping zone. There were a few other couples that went and one other baby. I enjoyed being the cabin cook!! I even made chocolate chip cookies for everybody to have when they came in from the cold. Oh how I love the mountains. Keldon had a really hard time sleeping both nights so we didn't get much sleep. We did manage to bundle him up good enough to go outside and watch his crazy daddy make a jump for the snowmobiles, and snowboards. The boys had a great time.
Christmas came fast this month. I didn't make ANY candy or goodies at all. I didn't spend months planning a wonderful present for anyone like years past, and I didn't have my mom. Christmas seemed empty this year. We did our Carver Gift Exchange at my sister Kims and spent Christmas Eve and Day with Chris's family. I tried really hard to be happy and have a good time. I think it was such a busy month and with all the emotion I held back last year, everything hit me this year. I was able to use my mom's decorations and Christmas tree at my house. I snuggled with my favorite snowman blanket Christmas morning at pulled a pretty good suprise on my hubby. He gets a discount on CWB wakeboard merchandise with his sponsership so I never get anything for him wakeboardish....because he can get it at a better price. However, he was in desperate need of a new life jacket, and I was determined to find a way to suprise him with discount. I made arrangements with Bart at Sporthause and put an order in. I also got a couple of t-shirts as well. Christmas morning I had him open the shirts first. He looked at my so suprised and said, " Where did you get these? I have never seen these, are these 2010? How did you...where did you....?" He was so confused. Then I gave him the big box. He had no idea it was a lifejacket, not in a million years. He guess a sweater. A sweater? Really Chris? He loved it, and was super suprised. I did good. He didn't even know that CWB made a pull over jacket. Mission Complete.
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