Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Ready to Potty Train.....
So this month Keldon has pooped in the tub 3 times! He is a very regular boy and if he hasn't already pooped when you go to get him up in the morning, he will 90% of the time poop during breakfast. The last couple of times he has pooped in the tub has been in the morning when he really needs a bath first thing because I can't stand baby soaked in pee smell. The other day in the tub he started tooting so I pulled him out as a joke and stuck him on the pot and he got scared and clingy, so I put him back in and of course he pooped in the tun. Today, I was a little more brave and when he started displaying the regular poop face, I stuck him on the pot and talked to him. "It's okay, go poops." I said it over and over again and after about a minute he just pooped!!! I couldn't believe it. I yelled to Chris to get the camera. Good thing he was home so he could capture the moment huh? As he snapped the picture Keldon gave the best cheesy smile ever. I stuck him back in the tub and flushed the toilet and he stood up and peeked over to the toilet to watch it flush. I waved bye bye to the poo and Keldon laughed. Potty training in training....I better go get a little potty because I am going to keep on with this morning tub time ritual.
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Love is in the Air
My husband suprises me every now and then with a sweet romatic side of him that I wish I could see everyday.... At Thanksgiving, we made a trip to IKEA in Seattle and saw this mirror. 
My sister wanted it really bad and of course so did I but I couldn't imagine spending $100 on a want so I just swept it back in the filing cabinent in my head under all the crap you want but don't need folder. Chris went off about how he could make that and it would be better and blah blah blah. That is great honey, but you don't have the will, or the time. He always says he can make just about anything and if he can't he will find the cheapest price to buy it. Most of the time it is annoying like when I buy something I really like and he asks me why I bought it and the what the price was and where I got it and why did I buy it again and so on......
The night before Valentines, Chris was working late on a lawnmowing project. He came home all peppy and chatty. "Come outside and look at your Valentines Present." What? He remembered? And got me something. WOW!" Way more than I expected. As I opened the door He smiled bigger than ever, proudly displaying his newly crafted object of affection. A homeade IKEA like LOVE MIRROR just for my beutimous self! The best part was seeing him so excited about what a stud he was because he totally knew it. He told me to wait to take a picture because he wanted it to be all clean so he washed it off and re-wrote the words so if I posted it on facebook, which he was certain was the first thing I would do...everyone could see how pretty it was. He has just stained it that night so it was still a little wet. I am so proud of him! I love love love love love it!!!!!!!!

My sister wanted it really bad and of course so did I but I couldn't imagine spending $100 on a want so I just swept it back in the filing cabinent in my head under all the crap you want but don't need folder. Chris went off about how he could make that and it would be better and blah blah blah. That is great honey, but you don't have the will, or the time. He always says he can make just about anything and if he can't he will find the cheapest price to buy it. Most of the time it is annoying like when I buy something I really like and he asks me why I bought it and the what the price was and where I got it and why did I buy it again and so on......
The night before Valentines, Chris was working late on a lawnmowing project. He came home all peppy and chatty. "Come outside and look at your Valentines Present." What? He remembered? And got me something. WOW!" Way more than I expected. As I opened the door He smiled bigger than ever, proudly displaying his newly crafted object of affection. A homeade IKEA like LOVE MIRROR just for my beutimous self! The best part was seeing him so excited about what a stud he was because he totally knew it. He told me to wait to take a picture because he wanted it to be all clean so he washed it off and re-wrote the words so if I posted it on facebook, which he was certain was the first thing I would do...everyone could see how pretty it was. He has just stained it that night so it was still a little wet. I am so proud of him! I love love love love love it!!!!!!!!
Keldon at 9 months
BUSY BODY BOy---- Keldon is on the move. He can power crawl like no other and his eating habits certainly support is active little self. The kid eats more oatmeal than I can gag down for breakfast. He loves Banana's, his Aunt Kelly, Mamma and Daddy, and His Grandma and her little puppy Milo. He doesn't want anything to do with bottles, he doesn't like milk unless it is mixed in his cereal, and he has a bit of an attitude. We are learning "no no, not for Keldon, don't touch," and he tests it everytime a movie is playing or the radio is on. He likes to play with the knobs. He loves to play with mirriors, mom and dads phones, the remote, the calculator on dad's desk, the front door and plant and mom's office. He loves trying to get into the garbage, playing with measuring cups and wisks on the kitchen floor and trying to drink water from his sippy cup. When he hears the noise the camera makes when it is trying to focus before a picture, he always smiles and then crawls toward you to see his picture. He love the hair dryer blown in his face and being tickled on his back. The tub is his favorite and this month we have had the pleasure of cleaning poop out of it twice already. JOY! If you want him to hold still while you change him you better strap him down or give him a diaper to play with. Other than saying mamma and da da....he giber jabbers a lot and laughs like crazy. I love to hold him down with his arms up and tickle his chest with my chin! He hates Shoes and always always always takes his socks off and either leaves them on the floor as he crawls off or sucks on them! He hardly ever sucks his thumb anymore but has switched to chewing on his right pointer finger. He likes to stay up late with mom and dad and is good when it comes to sleeping in. The swing has been a lifesaver to get him to go to sleep when is is all wired. He cut his bottom two teeth Valentines Weekend.
He weighs about 19 lbs and is in 12-18 month clothes

He weighs about 19 lbs and is in 12-18 month clothes
December 2009
The month of December was a busy one as always. I moved my massage practice to a new location in October and have been trying to catch up for 2 months. A lot of things went crazy with the move and there is always more decorating and organizing to do than you ever plan on. Business is good. I have 3 new therapists in the office that actually work! It is nice to have people around at the office and I have found that I am happier at work with the added compnay. We sold lots of Gift Certificates this month and set a new record! It will be interesting in the next couple of months to see who and how many people actually redeem them.
A couple weeks before Christmas, our friend Ben LaMothe invited us to go snowmobiling up at his family's cabin by Tolgate in Oregon. We took Keldon of course.... and had a good time. He was crawling all over and had a few tumbles but overall did pretty good staying out of the stepping zone. There were a few other couples that went and one other baby. I enjoyed being the cabin cook!! I even made chocolate chip cookies for everybody to have when they came in from the cold. Oh how I love the mountains. Keldon had a really hard time sleeping both nights so we didn't get much sleep. We did manage to bundle him up good enough to go outside and watch his crazy daddy make a jump for the snowmobiles, and snowboards. The boys had a great time.
Christmas came fast this month. I didn't make ANY candy or goodies at all. I didn't spend months planning a wonderful present for anyone like years past, and I didn't have my mom. Christmas seemed empty this year. We did our Carver Gift Exchange at my sister Kims and spent Christmas Eve and Day with Chris's family. I tried really hard to be happy and have a good time. I think it was such a busy month and with all the emotion I held back last year, everything hit me this year. I was able to use my mom's decorations and Christmas tree at my house. I snuggled with my favorite snowman blanket Christmas morning at pulled a pretty good suprise on my hubby. He gets a discount on CWB wakeboard merchandise with his sponsership so I never get anything for him wakeboardish....because he can get it at a better price. However, he was in desperate need of a new life jacket, and I was determined to find a way to suprise him with one...at discount. I made arrangements with Bart at Sporthause and put an order in. I also got a couple of t-shirts as well. Christmas morning I had him open the shirts first. He looked at my so suprised and said, " Where did you get these? I have never seen these, are these 2010? How did you...where did you....?" He was so confused. Then I gave him the big box. He had no idea it was a lifejacket, not in a million years. He guess a sweater. A sweater? Really Chris? He loved it, and was super suprised. I did good. He didn't even know that CWB made a pull over jacket. Mission Complete.
We had the opportunity to travel somewhere new for Thanksgiving this year in our family. My sister Sherri moved to Seattle this past summer so we decided since for the past 10 years, she comes to us, that we would go to her. It was a blast. The younger 5 kids in the family went with all our kids so it was like a massive family sleep over. Chris and I celebrated our 3 Wedding Anniversary over the weekend as well. Sherri watched Keldon and Chris and I snuck away for a Romantic Evening for 2 at a Hotel down on the water a Puget Sound. We went out for a yummy seafood dinner, and to the Gold's Gym there in Mukeltio and watched a movie in the Cardio Theater. The next day I surprised him with a massage and sauna treatment in Everett for both of us. It was soooo nice to relax and spend time with family. We played games late one night and had a good laugh with scattegories! The last night there, it was just the sisters left. The kids stayed up and we played the good ol Carver Candy Bar Game. The kids loved it and all fought over the bubble gum all night. I love my sister Sherri! When I am with her and visiting up at her house, I get to eat grubbin food and feel like my mom is right there! Keldon had a great time playing with all his cousins. Sherri and Kim were able to take some really cute pictures of Keldon down by the water that ended up being blown up later and given for Christmas gifts.
If you're Happy & You know it clap your hands
As I pondered the things I wanted to write today, this primary song instantly came into my head. "If you're happy and you know it clap your hands, If your happy and you know it clap your hands. If you're happy and you know it than your face will surely show it, if you're happy and you know it, clap your hands!
I was really emotional last night pondering all my blessings. This past year has been very life changing for me. I lost my mom, I have struggled with my marriage, expanded and moved my massage practice, and brought a new life into the world all in a short period of time. I am not a big new years resolution person. I found the past two new years resolutions "Goals" written down recently and they both say the same things. Read my scriptures, exercise, eat better.....the usual. THIS YEAR however, I have decided to simply enjoy life a little more. Take in the small things and breathe through the big. All those who really know me, know that I am a busy body, a control freak, a slight perfectionist, a go getter and pretty dang stubborn. All this said, Having a child with the same characteristics teaches patience. I love Keldon. He has helped me to be more patient, less selfish, happy, and has forced me to take in the little things.
I have had less sleepless nights fretting over stupid uncontrollable things since he has been born. I have laughed more, smiled more, and hugged more than I ever have.
I thank my Heavenly Father everyday for his strong healthy body, and for mine that was able to bring him into this world. Watching my mothers frail body wither away was so humbling to me. I am so thankful for a body that can move, and breathe and become as strong as I want it to be. She mentioned to me several times, that I should be thankful for my body.
I am thankful for a husband that loves me and that loves our sweet little boy. Chris has EXPLODED with love. I have never seen a father love and play with his little boy more than my husband. He has been know to wake Keldon up just to snuggle with him. Keldon loves his daddy that is for sure, and I love to watch them play.
When your happy and you know it clap your hands.....This is a true measure of how I am feeling, because when I am happy....I really do clap my hands and at our house....there as been a lot of clapping....even Keldon clapping :)
I was really emotional last night pondering all my blessings. This past year has been very life changing for me. I lost my mom, I have struggled with my marriage, expanded and moved my massage practice, and brought a new life into the world all in a short period of time. I am not a big new years resolution person. I found the past two new years resolutions "Goals" written down recently and they both say the same things. Read my scriptures, exercise, eat better.....the usual. THIS YEAR however, I have decided to simply enjoy life a little more. Take in the small things and breathe through the big. All those who really know me, know that I am a busy body, a control freak, a slight perfectionist, a go getter and pretty dang stubborn. All this said, Having a child with the same characteristics teaches patience. I love Keldon. He has helped me to be more patient, less selfish, happy, and has forced me to take in the little things.
I have had less sleepless nights fretting over stupid uncontrollable things since he has been born. I have laughed more, smiled more, and hugged more than I ever have.
I thank my Heavenly Father everyday for his strong healthy body, and for mine that was able to bring him into this world. Watching my mothers frail body wither away was so humbling to me. I am so thankful for a body that can move, and breathe and become as strong as I want it to be. She mentioned to me several times, that I should be thankful for my body.
I am thankful for a husband that loves me and that loves our sweet little boy. Chris has EXPLODED with love. I have never seen a father love and play with his little boy more than my husband. He has been know to wake Keldon up just to snuggle with him. Keldon loves his daddy that is for sure, and I love to watch them play.
When your happy and you know it clap your hands.....This is a true measure of how I am feeling, because when I am happy....I really do clap my hands and at our house....there as been a lot of clapping....even Keldon clapping :)
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