My little boy is so big! I took him in for his 2 month well check yesterday and he weighs 13lbs ad is 23 1/4 inches long. He got 3 shots and an oral vaccine. I gave him tylenol before we went in and he cried for about 10 minutes. I went to Target aftwards and he slept through that and was hungry by the time we got home. He was fussy off and on throughout the evening but at 9 :00 I put him to bed and he slept until 4:30 this morning. Got up and ate and when back to bed at 5 woke up at 8, ate and went back to sleep around 9:30 and slept until 12:00. I am so spoiled. This is his usual sleep and eating schedule. I love it! Chris has been staying home with him while I work. It is fun to see those two snuggle and hang out. Keldon is a lot more smiley and vocal now and loves to hear the word FUNNY. If you use it in a sentence he always smiles.
what a CUTIE!!!! He is beatiful, Melanie! His blessing was, too. Chris did an awesome job.
Whatta little chub ;) Sounds like he is behaving quite well! Happy 2 month bday, Keldon!
I just want to say that I am so jealous and want to know your secret! neither of my kids sleep well through the night, no matter what I do!
Cute Melanie, he is getting so big! Love the pictures.
He's getting so big! Don't you love it when little boys sleep through the night! Oh- Chadd was showing me something in Pasco the other day and da da dum... I now know where you live! (Not that I could ever find it again.) I guess I won't worry about sharing the story as to why we were over there. We'll just say, Chadd was in your area of town the other night. :)
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