BORN MAY 1ST 2009 @ 10:34 PM
This isn't a very clear picture but at least you can see him. I went in yesterday morning at 8:00 am to be induced. I was given cytotec vaginally which is a drug that helps to ripen (open/dilate) your cervix around 8:40am. Your Cervix has to go from 0-10 to deliver which is completely closed to the size of baby's head. I was only 1/2 centimeter dilated and 50% effaced. Almost like starting from scratch. Once in labor, some people dilate faster than others and some just get stuck at a certain point. Usually I think you dilate about one to two centimeters and hour when you are in the actual labor part. Everything is really blurry right now as far as details, so I will do a better post later when I have notes from Kim. I only got one dose of cytotec and right away felt contractions like crazy. They were fairly consisitant and I could see them on the chart which was kind of exciting. I knew I wasn't making the pain up then! The contractions eased up a bit when I got up and walked around for while. Dr. Salisbury checked me later and I was a 1. Then from 2-10 I was a hurting mess. I am too tired to remember everything. I got in the tub for a while which was AWESOME. Chris did the best job helping me breath and get into a rythm. I had to get back in bed to be on the monitors again for a while and then It really stepped up a notch. I was laying on my right side and closing my eyes so I could block out everything in my mind. I didn't want to be rubbed, just a steady hand and no talking. I had my legs together and was on my side but kept feeling like my pelvis was opening and separating and it came really fast. The nurse checked me again and I was at a five. After a while, they got more intense and I decided to have 1/2 a dose of a mild pain killer in my IV. That hit for maybe 2 minutes max. I can't remember if I threw up before or after that but I threw up because I hurt so bad. I kept feeling the urge to push and Chris and Sherri were trying to get me to do fast little breaths and not to push. I would push hard 2 or 3 times because it felt so good, and then I would freak out and do little puff puff puff breaths and get through it. I kept telling the nurse to check me because I swear my hips were opening. I got scared and started to panic but brought myself back to reality, this is the rock in the hard place. I can't give up and I have to go forward so just breath and do the best you can. I said I wanted an epidural around the same time I got the IV med because I thought if I was going to panic and stop my rhythm of good breathing I would be taking 2 steps back for every one forward. I asked for it, but in my mind I didn't give up. I thought, okay I will do it, it will help me relax and get to that point to help me push and I will have them just do a little so I can still feel stuff. They were talking about paging the anesthesiologist and then after that, my contractions got super bad and I had to deal and not think of anything else. The thought of the epidural never crossed my mind again because I was too busy dealing with labor.Shortly after she checked me and I was a 9 1/2. They started to get the room ready and I started feeling less abdominal and back pain and more pressure. I thought, forget the epidural that takes too much time, lets get this kid out! I could see my tummy drop and I was able to sit up a bit more. I pushed for about an hour. It is really hard to push and get in rhythm. I tried some things on my own, then Dr. Salisbury had me push for 10 big counts and then take one big breath in and bare down for another 10 big counts. I had a mirror so I could see which helped me so much mentally. As I progressed I got more determined to push as hard as I could. I had my eyes closed because I was pushing so hard when he came out that I didn't see him actually come out. I didn't tear but did have some issues with some mild extra bleeding. They gave me a shot of something in my leg, and pitocin in my IV and my Placenta came out about 2 minutes afterwards. Instead of the cord being attached in the middle of the placenta, it was attached on the very edge and the vessels going to it were getting fairly small. Dr. Salisbury said that was pretty rare to have it attached there. I had him put on top of me as soon as he was out and his throat was clear. He cried for ever and ever....good lungs. I tried to breast feed a little later when things settled down, but he was trying to fall asleep on me. We got him to eat a little on one side so I guess that is better than nothing. I'll update more later.... time to eat breakfast and go back to bed!
Congrats to you!!!! I seriously think you are the greatest woman getting no epidural!! AMAZING! If I didn't have c-sections I wouldn't get one either!!! You should be so proud!! Enjoy the handsome little man!!!
Congratulations!!! He is perfect. Sounds like you did amazing Melanie, love the birth story!
congrats mel and chris! Welcome to parenthood!!!
Congrats Melanie! He is a cutie! So glad he is here safe! Take it easy remember to nap when he does! Good wise advice I wish I had listened to.
Good job Mama! You're amazing. And your little man is adorable :) I can't wait to meet him.
Melanie - I keep forgetting to ask you if I can use your beautiful birth story for my website? I have three there so far and hope to have more soon. If you'd rather keep it more private I completely understand, or need to change the wording in any way that is fine too.
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