We spent a lot of time eating and snuggling Baby K. It was so fun to have her here. The first few days were kind of a blur. Changing diapers and getting the hang of breast feeding. I got my first real glimpse into motherhood when Keldon had to go back into the hospital for jaundice. I got all teary eyed and emotional and had to leave the room when they did his blood work for the 3rd time in one day. So far things have been really good. I am a spoiled mommy . He is soooo good. He eats good, sleeps good and hardly ever fusses. He only cries for a minute when he is hungry and has to wait or when he gets his diaper changed. He loves to be swaddled and held, and his swing is my favorite. He seems to be out to get his dad..... he has peed on Chris a handful of times and even gives him a projectile poop once in a while before he gets the clean diaper on.
The curious little toad man....

Our first attempt at a bath! Aunt Sherri and Daddy helped.
Keldon pooped in the tub when we were just getting done.

I sneak snuggles in for dad sometimes in the morning before work
We had our first visit with the pediatrician on Wednesday. He wasn't at the hospital when Keldon was born so we had never seen him before. I really liked him. He was super personable and very down to earth. We had to get his blood work done to check his biliruben levels for jaundice. He turned out to be at a level 17.4 with 18 being where they draw the line for treatment. Because he had a hematoma when he was born and our blood types being different, his risk factor was higher than normal. We had to go into the hospital over night to get him under the biliruben light and help the jaundice to resolve. Breast milk doesn't bind to biliruben so I had to formula feed for 24 hours and pump instead. The orange pictures are the newborn room at Dr. Gavino's office. Keldon looks so tiny on the table. The other ones are from the hospital. That little bed looks like a mini tanning bed. Dad was making jokes about Keldon getting a tan. He did come home a little more red!

1 comment:
It still doesn't seem real! You are a mommy! I hope you have a good mother's day because you deserve it! Can't wait to see your little man in another month! Who is going to come over and help you now that your sister has gone home? I wish I was there:(
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