I had an awesome Valentines Day! We celebrated Friday night. I decided to make it all about my husband instead of whining and moaning that it wasn't all about me this year. I got him a card, knowing he wouldn't get one for me because he isn't a card person, but still got him one because I love cards. I made a dinner reservation for Cedars. Chris ate their once with a friend and has compared every steak he has even eaten since then to their "Filet Mignon!" It is the most expensive place ever and we are the cheapest people ever so I don't know how I got away with taking him there. I told him to be ready to leave by 6:30. When we were dating I made a cd of all the oldies love songs we listened to while working together remodeling trailers. I popped it in the cd player and started our favorite Beatles song about love as he walked in the door, me curling my hair and all gussied up. I told him that since we were going on a date, he had to open all the doors for me and so on. (Has never happened before you see?) He even put on a collared shirt, took off his hat and combed his hair. He opens the truck door, "Here you go my dear, " or some silly comment. As we drive down the road, I recognize the song we just heard. He had taken the cd out of the player and put it in the truck for our little drive. Slick eh? We go to dinner and we go all out for the first time ever. I did an hour and half massage- cash client earlier in the day and told myself I couldn't spend more than what I had earned. We had salmon artichoke dip as an appetizer, raspberry Italian sodas for drinks, Chris had clam chowder and I had salad. Then we both ordered the Biergarten Steak
House Specialty 8 oz. filet mignon basted with beer and spices, at a small price of $33 a piece!!!!!!!!!!!! Not only that, but we were feeling rich cause we added coconut shrimp to the side of that! No dessert folks, we had orange cream bars calling our name at home. I had just enough cash to cover our meal and the tip, unfortunately not enough for the oxygen machine I was in much need of after inhaling that much food. My ribs are already expanded to the max and when we got done, my deep breaths were these pathetic little puffs. So the best part is to come. I went to the bathroom and when I came out, Chris is opening the door to go outside. We walk out and the pickup is running and parked right in front so I didn't have to walk to the parking lot :) It is getting good now, I am not freaking out about the $100+ I threw down on dinner as much as I was before. We get home and I put the cd back in and put it on the old classic "Stand by Me." Jokingly but not really, I asked Chris to come dance with me. We laughed and joked about half way through it but it was the best ever. Afterwards we snuggled up to a chick flick and enjoyed orange cream bars in the comfort of our own little cozy bed. I fell in love with my husband all over again in one night. This morning when we woke up he asked if he could make me breakfast! Ha ha...... That is too long of a story to tell. I ended up with egos and burnt bacon! It is hard to put trust in a non-carver bred man to cook. He did redo the bacon and I was quite pleased to be served breakfast. And the day went on happily ever after. Great Valentines Day, I hope everyone had a good one as well!
I'm confused. Did you celebrate yesterday? My mouth was watering reading about your dinner. Yum.
JEALOUS! That was so fun. And it is hard to swallow our dream of having our man totally romance us...but it will never happen. So if you don't want to be disappointed - you have to plan it yourself. I'm glad you had a great time. I love Cedars - the 2 times I went there. So good....so expensive. Good thing you saved big bucks with those ice cream bars at home.
you guys are so cute! Give your man a thumbs up for what he did do and he will more than likely repeat himself! But sometimes we have to come up with the real plans just like our fondue Valentines at the Freddies Restaurante.
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