I had my appointment with Dr. Salisbury yesterday. We were only suppose to hear the heartbeat and I don't think he was planning on doing an ultrasound but as soon as he had me lay down, Chris made the comment that I have been worried about twins! I was at first, and then I got over it but there is always that little scare in the back of my mind, this being my first and not really knowing what to expect. So..... Dr. says, well lets just go across the hall and I will take a quick look just to make sure, free of charge! I am flipped out. FREE... NICE!!!! So there is only one and this picture is bad because it is a picture of the picture and he said not to look at the measurements because he doesn't think they are accurate. He was having a hard time getting a shot of the length. It looks like a blob to me but we did see the heart beat. Chris was asking a bunch of questions about the ultrasound and trying to understand how to see everything and what it was. It was cute. Oh, I found out I am O- so Chris has to find out what blood type he is to rule out the RH factor stuff. So long story short, I like my Dr. and we are only having one baby.

This picture with my belly button is for you Sherri!
Wooh! Only 1 baby, now you can relax a little! :)
Im glad you got a free ultrasound...that is always nice, and so is having only one baby. Don't get me wrong, multiples would be so exciting, but it might push me over the edge. Congrats!
I love Dr. S... he's a great guy! Maybe I'll run into you in his office here soon?!! :)
yay! Only one baby. Thats good! I get so excited every time i see new posts about your baby. Yes, i want that CD!!!! Are you guys going to that Ball put on by the stake this saturday night? I think we should all go and make it super fun!
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