The "I" Tag...
TAG from Kimi
i am- depressed that winter is coming and summer is gone, wishing I had energy to clean my house today
i know- That I am obsessed with good food, that I should be studying my lesson for tomorrow, that I will see my mom again some day, that my testimony has grown a lot this year
i want- to be a nicer, kinder and more unselfish loving wife, and less of a complainer, I want a house that is cute and clean, and to be in Hawaii right now!
i have- An awesome CD on the way, along with the best ever load of Old Navy Maternity clothes that were on sale, a craving for steak and potatoes and sour patch kids.
i dislike- not being able to sleep, crappy drivers, politics, not getting paid by insurance, clients who don't show up, being lied to, the bathroom floor wet, or dirty carpet and being hungry or having to pee really bad
i fear- having to have a c-section, having multiple children growing in my small little belly, getting cancer, taxes and the upcoming holidays without my mother
i feel- hungry, overwhelmed with my dads new attachment to me, sad that my mom won't be here to see me pregnant and have my babies, blessed and comforted at the same time because of the love of my Savior
i hear- Silence....wait...... and a list of things to do tomorrow that I wrote in my head earlier today
i smell- My mom, I am in her sewing room
i crave- sugar a lot, protein, my husbands arms around me, acceptance and love from my friends and family,
i cry- pretty much everyday because I am a big fat baby! When I am reminded of my sweet mother, when I am overwhelmed and disappointment ed in myself, in sacrament meeting, when I teach my Sunday school lesson.
i usually- sleep in, or take a nap during the day, think about food 20X's a day and tell my husband I love him
i search- the Internet for interesting things to learn, and about anything I would like to know, I search for Chris's wallet and/or keys about 2X's a week, my appointment book and my phone
i wonder- how I will get through this next year, if I am having a boy or a girl, how my lesson will go tomorrow, if Chris will cry when the baby is born, if my dad will actually find someone to date and marry and if my mom watches me all the time.
i regret- stupid things I did in high school, not writing in my journal as much as a should have and being inactive in my teen years
i love- My husband, my family---especially my sisters,my friends, the Internet, my cell phone, FOOD, cooking, fishing with my mom and dad, memories, looking back at pictures, spring and summer, being warm, going somewhere new and exciting, thinking about babies, good smelly bath stuff, a good shampoo and cut and color, massages, getting paid, shopping at consignment stores and getting good deals, snuggling with Chris and a movie, sleeping, feeling healthy and not having nausea or headaches.
i care- About my family, my clients, my health and my eternal progression.
i always- Complain... I need to be better, talk about will always be that way..., need my husbands love
i worry- about way to many things, mostly related to health and my family.
i am not- going to answer this one
i remember- a lot of good memories from my childhood, when I used to not have bills and when I actually liked to grocery shop
i believe- That people can change, , that families can be together forever, that I have a purpose in this life and that eventually life will get a little easier.
i sing- out loud and in my car a lot, and to any song that I know
i don't always- wash my face before bed (I'm too lazy), cook dinner or eat healthy, work out, count my blessings when I should or be nice to my hubby.
i argue- about any thing I don't agree with and sometimes just for fun.
i write- in my journals, notes to myself all over my office of things to do. Soap charts which I hate and e-mails to work people.
i win- hardly ever and I am use to it
i lose- weight really easy, my temper sometimes, my brain a lot of times and my keys every once in a while.
i wish- I could travel back in forth between heaven and earth just to take a peek, that being pregnant didn't take 9 months, that I could snuggle with my mom right now, that I had learned how to sew better, that I was smarter and had enough money for a down payment on a house.
i can usually be found- At my office, snuggled in my bed, at Chris's moms house or at the shop, or on the boat with Chris.
i am scared- That I will have problems with my pregnancy, that my kids will rebel and that I will be an impatient mom.
i need- to be more humble, and prayerful, grateful and happy, save my money, count my blessings, get a nap in before Monte Carlo and make dinner for my husband.
i forget- to be nice, to put away my curling iron and makeup bag for Chris
i am happy- when I complete a goal, when I am full and have had good sleep, when someone fills my bucket and right now I am happy because next week I am getting packages in the mail and Greys Anatomy starts Thursday, Chris and I are getting along super dooper good and we are going to have a little Cainster soon!
How do you feel today?
Play along if you would like. I tag all of you!
1 comment:
Congrats on the baby! I cant believe your going to be a lil mama! That is so fun and exciting! I have been thinking about you a lot lately and hope you are doing well! Keep smiling! Love ya!
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