Have been blessed by this woman's musical talent
I love Hillary Weeks! If I Only Had Today reminds me of a tender moment I shared with my sisters and Mom at Time Out For Women in March of 2008. Hillary Weeks was apart of the TOFW team and sung this song shortly after it was written for the first time publicly at the Time Out we were at. She told the story of how it was inspired my a woman who had told her of a personal story dealing with cancer. It seemed like every topic at the Conference was traced to cancer. We held each other and cried as she sung the song, and fell apart again when she sang, Just Let Me Cry. We were planning on buying the CD that day but Hillary announced that the CD wasn't going to be released until September. At that time, moms diagnosis was 6 months to a year and we were on month 4 on a break from Chemo. We didn't have an exact time line but Sherri had a feeling that by this September we would definitely needing this CD to cope. We were right. The CD was released on the month anniversary of my mothers funeral. Coincidence? I think not... more like divine intervention from a loving Heavenly Father. This CD has brought me so much joy and comfort. It is strange that bawling your eyes out can be therapeutic. "When You Least Expect it," is an emotional song for me, because a couple weeks after the "STORM," of my moms passing, I found out I was pregnant with my first baby. I truly believe that the things and people that come into our lives are inspired. Our trip to Time Out was inspired and so was this CD for us girls. Thanks so much to Hilary Weeks.
If I Only Had Today
It seems like I've watched a million sunsets
And stared at a thousand full moons
Sometimes it feels like I've been here forever
And sometimes it all feels brand new
I could never count the heartbeats
From the day I was born until now
but not a single one goes unnoticed
By Him who breathes life in me somehow
But if there were no tomorrows
if I knew that I could not stay
I know how I'd spend every moment
If I only had today
I'd hold you and listen
And I'd let the dishes sit in the sink
I'd tell you I loved you over and over
And for once I'd just let the phone ring
Then I'd remind you of forever
And how our love would never change
If I only had today

I'd wake up before the sun did
And I'd watch as you quietly sleep
I'd pray for time to move slowly
Knowing the time won't keep
All the gifts that Heaven has given
Every blessing that's come my way
Wouldn't mean anything without you
so if I only had today

I'd hold you and listen
I'd memorize every detail of your face
I'd tell you I loved you over and over

I wouldn't let excuses get in the way
Then I'd remind you of forever
And how our love would never change
If I only had today
There's no time like the present
Life doesn't come with any guarantees
The sun will set and time won't wait
So while I have today
I'd hold you and listen
I'll let the dishes it in the sink
I'll tell you I love you over and over
For once I'll just let the phone ring
And I'll remind you of forever
And how our love would never change
Because I have

I love you Mom! You remind me of Forever..... and how our love will never change!