Tuesday, March 4, 2008

WEEEEEE..... Riding on The Road to DEBT FREE

I am so excited! Since middle school I can remember wanting to have my very own car. I never wanted anything fancy, just something besides the grandma cars my parents always seemed to drive because they were "paid for." In high school I drove my moms old 92 Maxima which had its own special tricks to drive. You had to slip it in to neutral and rev the engine to 1500 RPMs to keep it running or the battery would die. The seat belt light always went off so you had to undo the automatic seat belt button and then put it back in. All the joys of the high school car. To me it was an annoying, nagging hunk of metal with tires on it, that didn't belong to me. I remember being mad at my dad for not letting me buy a car with my work money when I didn't have anything else to pay for but fast food and gum. He said that if I drove his car he could control me. ERRRR. I couldn't wait to get my own. I drove it in Spokane while I went to massage school and put money into new tires and a rebuilt transmission. While Chris and I were dating, I got in the habit of carrying jumper cables in both our cars because my car died ALL THE TIME. It's a good thing I am not shy, because I asked a lot of random people in walmart parking lots and such to give me a jump.

Right before Chris and I got engaged I decided to get my OWN car. He cosigned for me at Hapo and I bought my little white Mazda 626 for $7200. I never really had a plan on when I wanted to pay it off but Chris encouraged me to do it within a year so I wouldn't have to pay so much in interest. I was so excited to have my own car that had great a/c and no beeping automatic seat belt lights and oh, the most important of the jacked up things.... a leaky power steering thingy. I know what you are thinking.... it's just a Mazda Mel..... but dude. It is 10 years newer than the Maxima and a business tax write off! I remember test driving it with the lady I bought it from and freaking out when I discovered it had cup holders. Boy was I ecstatic. Anyway, the point of this post is to announce that today March 5th 2008 I made my last payment on my pretty little wanna be mommy friendly car, a little over the one year goal at 1 year and 5 months. She's paid for baby!!!! and she is all mine................................FINALLY! Yeah. and another yeah for the corniest post ever. YEAH!


Kim said...

This is not corny! You should be very proud of yourself!!! You'd be surprised at how many people would pay on it for five years or more while the throw their money at stupid stuff. I know... I listen to Dave Ramsey. Good Job MEL! I'm so so proud.

Petersons said...

Oh girl! That is so awesome that your car is finally paid off, I am really proud of you! Love ya!

Trev said...

Good Job Mel! Keep it until your first kid needs a car, and by then it should have all the quirks of the one you drove in High school, and it will be perfect! The circle will be comlplete!