This past weekend was my older sister Sherri's 30th Birthday. I knew she was dreading it a bit and wasn't expecting anything fancy to happen so I came up with a little something fancy myself. Sometime last week I got the idea to drive up with my other sister Kim and surprise her. We had plans to pretend to be robbers and mug her down at the beach, or to kidnap her from the house and drive her to a Karaoke Bar or something wild. I had the help of her husband so I knew we could pull it off. Friday after work, I picked Kim up and we headed to Mukileto..... After getting stuck in bumper to bumper traffic of course. We arrived at Sherri's just before dark and snuck around the back side of the house. The plan was to do what our family calls the "Grady Call," which is definitely an inside joke/thing. It basically entails making a very distinct call a little something like this..."Boo, Boo, Boo, Who, Who." It is weird I know, but unless you grew up in Finley and a house full of weirdo's you just wont understand. Anyway....No matter what and where, if you are part of my family and hear this, "Grady Call," You know it is a Carver, some where, some how.
Sherri ran outside the front door as we ran to the back yard to hide. She said that instantly she knew I was there at the house, but certainly wasn't expecting Kim who had left 4 kids and a husband at home. Yay! Sherri about peed her pants and screamed all at the same time.
The weekend went like this:
--Friday night stayed up late talking in bed with all us girls cuddled up.
--Saturday morning Sherri had church stuff and soccer to attend to so Kim and I taped her bedroom up and got ready to paint. Darin went to the store to get paint mixed up. We slapped a coat on, then left to get new handles/knobs for the bedroom furniture and ate lunch at Bento where the girls enjoyed sushi (not my thing, uhhek)
Back to the house, then to Ikea for a 3 hour rondavue of the worlds most fabulous store. I, by the way, ran from the front of that store, all the way through to get a throw pillow that we wanted but had apparently grabbed the display one. I almost passed out but I did it none the less 2 minutes before closing time. After wards we went to Baja Fresh and then back home at 10. Slapped another coat of paint on and let the magic happen.
--Sunday morning went to church, came home and ate a marvelous homemade pizza then I gave Sherri a massage while Kim finished decking out the room to look like a pottery barn magazine. We went outside and took a bunch of goofy pictures and then drove home and got home about midnight... Oh and Kim freaked out because she thought we were gonna run out of gas just past Yakima but we made it to Zillah!