I am officially excited for the baby to come. I have hit the 6 month mark and am on the downhill side of the journey. I have been really good about being patient and not getting a lot of stuff too early. Its hard to buy stuff when you might find a better deal later. I have been looking for a stroller and hate to spend $300 on something new when I can spend $100 on a used one in almost perfect shape. Since Tri-Cities doesn't have much to offer, I have been checking Boise's Craigslist out and got lucky today. I got a really nice Eddie Bauer Stroller, car seat and base for $100. Sherri went and picked it up and said it was in awesome condition. I finally ordered bedding, I had ordered a plain one earlier and we sent it back because it came in a butterscotch color instead of cream. My husband is picky, He is not like other men. He actually has an opinion on more than just the name, like the stroller color and the bedding, no polka dots, neutral colors blah, blah, blah. It cracks me up. So I spend the extra money and got one that we can use for both a girl and a boy. We will see how it works. I have the nursery all planned out in my head finally. I figured it out during a massage today. Brown baskets to organize under the changing table and my funky retro lamp from the office. I also placed an add on craigslist advertising to trade massage for baby items and got like 5 e-mails and a couple of calls today. So hopefully I will get some great stuff and not even have to write a check!!! That is the best ever, I love my job! And I love babies!