I made it through the first big Holiday without my mom and it was super hard. I thought I had a pretty good handle on things emotionally and the day my sister Sherri and I tried to make 6 pies just like my mom I lost it. I was stressed out all day and up and down. I can't believe how much it hurts that she is gone. We ran into so many little problems that we wouldn't have had if mom were there. Only 2 good pie pans for 6 pies, no clove for the pumpkin pie, old flour and sugar. My mom always kept the cupboards overstocked, if you ran out of something, right behind it was another one or the next trip to the store she would replace it. Dad doesn't do things the same way.
Wednesday was the first day in my life I have ever made a pie crust from scratch all by myself. Pretty pathetic if you know my moms baking legacy huh? Well, whenever she would have me help, she couldn't stand to watch you mess it up so she would take it away to show you how to do it right but you never really got to practice. Sherri and I were hoping that the crusts would come out at least edible. One time, I got distracted and couldn't remember how much flour I had measured. I kind of made it up and what do you know? I think it turned out better than the other ones I made. Sherri made the rolls Thanksgiving morning and Carson and I cut them out and baked them. The rest of the pictures are from after dinner, Sharon and Dad's picture came out cute.