Today is my moms last scheduled round of chemo! I am so excited for her. She is such a little trooper with such a positive attitude. We will re-scan everything when she is done and then take a little break for a while so she can regain her strength and maybe a little weight too!
I have always struggled with my attitude. When I was younger more so than now but I just am always thinking of the negative first. I think it is one of my biggest weaknesses. I wish I could be more like my mom and look at the glass half full. I am working on it though. Chris usually has a lot better attitude than I do. He can always see positive in things and just lets insignificant things roll on by, whereas I make a mole hill out of an ant hole. I gave a lesson in young women's the other day on Attitude to my girls and realized that the lesson was for me more than them. I made cute little quotes for each girl but made them all different. I put them upside down and told them all to pick one and joked that the one they got was specifically meant to be for them. Guess what I got? "The biggest disability in this life is a bad attitude." Another one surfaced on the table because one of my girls was gone so I got hers too. "If you cant change something, change the way you think about it!" So.... I guess that is the lesson for the week.
Monday, February 25, 2008
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Backpacking Last Summer

These are some pictures from last summer when we went backpacking up to Lake Francis in Oregon with our friends Blake & Megan. There were some mountain goats at the top before we headed down to the lake and Blake got a few pics in. We hiked overall about 20 miles in 2 days! It was killer. I have never been so sore in my life!

Thursday, February 7, 2008
Personal Trainer
So Chris went to the gym with me tonight. We have never worked out in a gym together before. It was weird because I felt like we were dating. I was nervous! We did the elipitical together for a half hour then he hit the wieght while I finished another half hour. I get into a show and don't want to stop so I use that to keep me going. Chris on the other hand was just getting started when I was done on the elipitical and was showing me some stuff with the weights. As soon has my triceps stop burining he goes," Did you do 4 sets yet?" 4 sets? Are you kidding me.... no, Hon, but I did work on clients all day while you were pushing your pen at the desk! Ha ha, just kidding but seriously. I was not sure I wanted to ask him for any more pointers. I want to be tone, not look like a body builder. Anyway, it was pretty fun. We got done and I was ready to go and he says, wait, we still have to do our cool down Mel. COOL DOWN??? You are killing me! Oh my gosh. I don't know if I can handle work outs with him. This is the guy who takes me on a Scout outing to climb Mount St. Helens (I was the only woman on the trip with 20 guys) I guess I should expect it by now. Maybe I should stop complaining and be thankful I don't have to pay a personal trainer. Just call Chris Cain and stick to my Womens Health Mag and my six pack will magically appear! Ha
Jeans fittin good!
Okay so I know this sounds kind of retarded because I didn't weigh 300 pounds to begin with but truely, yesterday I put on my favorite American Eagle Jeans and THEY FIT BETTER!!!!!!!!!!!! I am so stoked. About a year and a half ago my girlfriend from work gave me like 10 pairs of jeans that didnt' fit her anymore and they were a little on the snug side to begin with. Then after getting married, working and dealing with stress batabang bataboom they are even tighter. BUT....... with the new little meal plan and a little sweat.... summer is gettin closer. YEAH The 6 pack is still a month away from the looks of it though :( It will get there. I have never cared about being skinny, I just want to be able to drop down and bust out 15 push ups without throwing up or be able to go for a 5 mile bike ride AND STILL be able to walk in the morning.
Monday, February 4, 2008
Healthy Inspiration

I am so excited.... let me tell ya. Since this whole blood sugar thing came about I have become a new HEALTH FREAK! I am doing really well and feeling 100% better. I have recommited to working out. Chris & I joined the gym by our house and I went to my first ever group yoga class at Bikram Yoga in downtown Kennewick. Chris's cousins and mom were talking about it the other day and got me thinking. I have always wanted to be really flexible but never have the patience and endurance. Well this certainaly was worth it. It is 90 minuites long... yes I said 90 minutes. The room temperature is 102 degrees and you sweat like no other. You leave with your clothes SOAKED and this is no exaggeration. I can't believe I actually did it. 2 weeks ago on the pre-hyperglycemia diet I would have died after 15 minutes. You really can push yourself and feel awesome. I think I would rather do the class even though it is flippin hard, then buy a full body massage....... and that my friends, is saying something.
Challenge Yourself, Improve Your Health, Enhance Your Life with Bikram Yoga
~Heal Injuries
~Lose Weight
~Reduce Stress
~Gain Energy
~Feel Great!
Bikram’s Beginning Yoga Class, named after its founder Bikram Choudhury, is a sequence of 26 postures and two breathing exercises suitable for all ages and levels of ability. This sequence is practiced in a heated room to warm the muscles, prevent injury, allow for a deeper workout and flush the body of toxins.
Bikram scientifically designed this 90-minute class to deliver total health through the balancing and strengthening of every system in the body. By the end of class, one will have worked every muscle, tendon, joint, ligament, organ, gland and nerve while systematically moving oxygenated blood to 100% of the body. This unique process results in restoration of health to all systems.
In addition, the series of postures cultivate concentration, patience, determination and self-discipline. Bikram has been teaching his system of yoga in Los Angeles for over thirty years helping his students to improve their health and overall quality of life. As Bikram says, “Never too bad, never too old, never too sick, never too late, to start from scratch and begin again.” CHECK IT OUT AT LEAST ONCE!
My food diary today: Breakfast was Kashi with blueberries, snacks- mild cheddar cheese whole wheat crackers, dannon light & fit yogert, almonds, pine nuts, water and for dinner spinach and spring mix salad, with baked chicken cubed, feta, peppers, sunflower seeds, tomato, broc and carrots and light italian dressing. UMMM GOOD!. Baby making body here I come.
As part of the whole positve and healthy makeover, I am doing a spiritual one as well, which is honestly the only way you can make it through the other two. Any how, I have been reading the Stand A Little Taller by President Gordon B. Hinckley and my favorites this week I wanted to share were about burdens and being your best self.
Shared Burdens---
And now, as ye are desirous to come into the fold of God, and to be called his people, and are willing to bear one another's burdens, that they may be light;... and to stand as a witness of God at all times and in all things and in all places tha ye may be in, even until death, that ye may be redeemed of God, and be numbered with those of the first resurrection, that ye may have eternal life. Mosiah 18:8-9
Look above your trials, Try to forget your own pain as you work to alleviat the pain of others. MIngle together with your brothers and sisters in the gospel. We need others to talk with and to share our feelings and faith. Cultivate friends. Begin by being a good friend to others. Share your burdens with the lord.
Your Best Self---
Do all things... that ye may be blameless and harmless, the sons of God, without rebuke, in the midst of a crooked and perverse nation, among whom ye shine as lights in this world. Philippians 2:14-15
Keep faith with the best that is in you. Your constant self-improvement will become as a polar star to thouse with whom you associate. They will remember longer what they SAW in you than what they HEARD from you. Your attitude, your point of view can make such a tremendous difference.
Sometimes things make so much sense, almost like they reach out and slap me in the face to say HELLO! Count your blessings, do what you are suppose to , stop complaining... THINGS WILL WORK OUT. TRY TO DO YOUR BEST EVERYDAY, IF & WHEN YOU FALL SHORT, AT LEAST YOUR TRIED.
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